In which I make phone calls, 2

Today I am calling all of my reps because I am not trying to die of the flu, whereas Trump would rather I did.

Will it be easier than last time? Stay tuned!

First, Evans. His number is in my phone so that makes this easier. If you don’t have your reps in your phone, add them now!
Reminding myself: 1. name, 2. phone number, 3. zipcode, 4. message: A vaccine skeptic should not be able to stop me from getting a flu shot!! Kennedy should never have been nominated, let alone confirmed. Please protect your constituents!!! (I doubt these are the words that will come out of my mouth, but I have to start with words or nothing will happen.)

…I am stalling, but I’m also hungry. I should call Evans and Fetterman and then eat. The republican is not in my phone, so that’s extra steps.

Evans staff answered too quickly!!! And he said “how may I help you?” and I panicked because he cannot help me. Automasking took over and I’m like “Hi, my name is Piper Harris… I was just going to leave a message, is that okay?” [keysmash] And then my message was like if a child had heard a rumor and didn’t like it but was open to being wrong about every thing they’d ever experienced.

Okay but it’s okay! None of this is real. I am just a number in a pile of people concerned about whatever topic category they file this under. I am a ring of the phone.

Fetterman now and then food. Fetterman is garbage I wish I had a serious voice. Oh, but I remember that Fetterman has a button you can push to leave a message so I can hope for less masking. Okay I just read my statement basically but without the enthusiasm.

Back after food…

McCormick. Okay actually, I’m just going to use the email contact form on his website. Diversity of tactics? I’m just tired. (I had to parent after/during food and I’m spent.)


Have you made any calls to Congress?