I have been trying to write about things but I keep wanting facts and then I look up the facts and then I have a bout of panic, because the currents facts are Extremely Concerning!!
But, I’m not here to induce panic. Just wanted to share a quick bit of info: There is a coup happening right now this very minute in the federal government.
Here is independent journalism by Marisa Kabas explaining the coup.
You should definitely Tell your friends, relatives, not-openly-fascist colleagues that Elon Musk has taken part of the federal government and that he plans to treat it as he treated Twitter. Maybe that last part means nothing to your offline friends, but at any rate. He has no rights to the access he has taken essentially by force. It’s not good!
Here’s a Reuters article you can share on Musk’s takeover.
I have a hard time believing Congress is not aware of what is happening or what it implies; their silence can only mean that either they are okay with it, or they think there is an angle where they can avoid breaking decorum and still… salvage.. their political careers (sorry; it defies reason that anyone in Congress thinks you can appease or negotiate with authoritarianism as a way to stop it). I suggest telling your representatives that this is a coup. Not because they don’t know, but because they must think we don’t.
If you use ResistBot you can sign my very short letter (I tried to just send “This is a coup” but ResistBot thought that was too short.) and send to your reps:

Click the image/link or just text SIGN PCIZYY to 50409.
Or you know contact your Congress people however you like. If you can yell directly in their faces that would honestly be preferred.