In which I make phone calls

NOTE: I still think I should update everything here first, but that is how I killed every journal I ever started, so.

Today in fascism, I want to attempt to utilize what remains of our never-actually-worked democracy.

Under Trump I, I learned to call my reps. I lived in Hawaiʻi at the time so all my reps were dems and we had voted for Clinton. I followed the Indivisible people’s posts and had the experience they had advertised:

      • The staff person who answers the phone is expecting to take your message; this is not weird for you to do.
      • State your name, phone number, zipcode (at minimum), you can say “I do not need a call back.”
      • State your message. They will not ask for an explanation; if you freeze and can’t remember the bill name they will look it up and not think anything weird is happening.
      • That’s it! 

I forget for how long I made calls; my life ✨fell apart✨ and I can’t really remember what happened. At any rate, in theory I can call my Dem reps. Yet it still takes a lot of Thinking about Calling and Telling Myself I Can Do It. And that is stressful and these days I have to be careful about stress/anxiety.

When Trump ordered the federal freeze, I made calls. I was given the script:

The president is performing a coup by taking the power of the purse from Congress and must be stopped immediately or the American people will take matters into their own hands.

They weren’t answering the phones (love that for me), so I left messages.

Today I will call to ask their plans to stop Trump’s fascist takeover of the federal government and attack on civil rights. I am also considering asking the staff person… Do I have to make these calls to count?? 😭


I live in Philadelphia and my rep in the House is Dwight Evans. I actually have no idea if there is anything in particular he has the power to do other than speak out. I also have never known if it matters which office you call. Pray for me.


Okay, I called the DC Office and the staffer said for messages about legislation/concerns it doesn’t matter what office you call; they also said that they can’t speak for any other office, but all messages they receive whether phone or email get passed on. After that I FORGOT WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY so I just said I was very concerned about Trump taking powers that weren’t his and that I wanted the Congressman to fight it every step of the way and also to stand up for civil rights and trans kids. The staffer was friendly and thanked me and I still NEVER WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN??

Now I have to call Fetterman who has been colluding with Trump and I’m very upset about that and I don’t know if that means the staffer will be less friendly.

[1 hour later]

Okay, Fetterman’s office always puts me on hold and my resolve disintegrates under waiting music. Leaving a message now.


Why???? How can democracy possibly depend on me having needless anxiety and stress.

I tried to feel good! You saw me! I need texts and emails to be appropriate forms of contact.

Anyway, I think this was a terrible and boring blog post in which I just like existed, but maybe if you are bored this was better than Knowing What Is Happening Out There.

okay the end.

Oh, also ResistBot makes texting easy though now they are trying to sell coins which is bizarre but whatever.

2 thoughts on “In which I make phone calls”

  1. Hey, really appreciate this post. I’m an ex-mathematician from New Zealand, horrified by what is happening in the US (and the global trends it signifies). It helps me a lot to see your human response, trying to take action in the face of a broken system. Kia kaha, strength to you.

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